Terms & Conditions

I can’t help it – this book charmed me from the start – even though the text is beyond dry. Cartoonist & illustrator Robert Sikoryak takes iTunes’ incredibly dense legal document and presents it as a series of comics. Each panel is in a...

It is not me writing this title

Looks like Google is well on its way to eliminating the need for people to write with the new Duplex personal assistant service – although it can never replace all the nuance in human interaction – that’s what we writers are here for. Google may be...

This explains a lot

There’s a new book I have to get to on systems thinking. I have to admit I was completely sold by the headline: How having power is like having brain damage: a new book explains why systems fail. When we’re in charge, we are impulsive and ignore others’...

When PR rules … Be Best!

I must admit to spending a few minutes pondering why they chose to name Melania’s big First Lady project like this. Is this really the best they can do? In the end I decided it’s because a catchy slogan “trumps” (applause, please) the rules of...